Thursday, August 27, 2020

Minorities and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Minorities and Education - Essay Example Presently, the minorities contain the biggest extent of low and white collar class workers in the nation. Before, the US Supreme Court dealt with numerous cases that were settled for minorities. Dr. Martin L. Ruler accepted that for balance to be accomplished, Whites dominant part expected to change numerous viewpoints in their lives, a thing they were not ready to do. Altho...ugh numerous individuals felt that minority understudies required an alternate methodology of learning because of an alternate culture, some felt that it was an intentional move not to do as such. For example, Shor and Freire (15) accepted that training doesn't shape society, yet rather the general public shapes the instruction relying upon who has power (Douglas 75). Popular supposition Race, general conclusion, and social circle In American culture, issues identifying with race appear to entwine along with social class, in such a way, that one can't obviously have a legit conversation in regards to race witho ut taking a gander at the issue of class. Numerous individuals stay away from the conversation of race in spite of the fact that it is still particularly alive inside people’s hearts. These parts of the general public were built, apparently for the progression of such network as white. The African â€Americans are broadly accused for an inappropriate things occurring in the network. A few researchers accept that various occasions in the general public have consistently prompted the huge pay disparity among Whites and Blacks. As per Douglas (29), these occasions include recreation, suburbanization, and the contemporary institutional bigotry as among the key factors in the augmenting hole between the networks. Moreover, the media appears to have disturbed the circumstance, by misshaping the perspectives on the ground. These media houses, claimed by the decision class, misshape sees about financial matters by making accept the decision class is nonexistent and that poor Blacks are really the residue of society (Bobo 28). Therefore, the media with its 'enchantment' obviously make the transgressions and furthermore cruelty towards African-Americans leave by guaranteeing it is their deficiency and accusing that they are poor. Subsequently, upper and center classed Americans wind up dreading and despising poor Blacks and regularly declining to make an association between methodical type of bigotry and high destitution clear among African-Americans. In a comparable vein, an augmenting riches hole depicts how insulting however lawful dealings among organizations and government officials normally lead to work compensation deteriorating awfully long and moguls getting considerably increasingly more extravagant. Racial mentalities, Educational level and character measure Many individuals imply that high individuals of color crime percentages are a consequence of blacks' inclination to criminal conduct. They base this reason on the connection, for example, between urban communities having huge populaces of individuals of color likewise having generally horror rates. Such a hypothesis is shortsighted and shallow, in spite of the fact that this degree of pseudo-logical sort of examination could hold some water. In any case, a few people say that if this hypothesis remained constant, such same numbers would be reflected around the world. In America, Black individuals drop from African Blacks. Consequently, for what reason do African nations neglects to reflect same ludicrously horror rates? In America, Whites are seen to be the most understood network (McDonald 39). It is seen evident for the offspring of the rich to go to the best school in the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Google Versus Microsoft Clash of the Technology Titans Free Essays

Google established by Larry Page, Sergey Brin and built up at 1998, they center around participation in internet providers and items, for example, search, programming and online ad and cell phone. Microsoft Corporation is a product enterprise that improves makes, produce PC, gracefully, licenses and help assortment items and administration include to processing. They are found by Bill Gate and Paul Allen at 1975, they are the most remarkable American programming organization worldwide and pull in different client. We will compose a custom article test on Google Versus Microsoft: Clash of the Technology Titans or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Microsoft and Google have been the most impressive innovation brands worldwide in America as of recently. Them two have explicit highlights, accomplish available and pull in numerous clients on the planet. Nonetheless, every one of them needs to be on the top and commands the innovation advertise so the contention is unquestionably occur. 1) Define and analyze the business methodologies and plans of action of Google and Microsoft. Google were just an inquiry organization around then, yet with new framework PageRank search calculations which are dissected connection between sites by the quantity of explicit pages and the basic inside those pages. Likewise, with web based publicizing administration, Google can win different benefits like posting the substance of any organization on the highest point of site, utilizing Pay-Per-Click (PPC, etc. Additionally, the organization degrees framework and receive securing that license them to require the quickest inquiry paces and assortment of Web-based items. With those techniques, they cause Google to turn into the best looking through help on the planet. Additionally, Google accepts that online application will be large organizations later on, in light of the fact that its middle quests and search-promoting business develop. Additionally, with the improvement of web may permit registering undertakings so as to be authorized through the site, we can sit on PC and remote control just as spare server farms as opposed to our work area. It is called as distributed computing and it is center to Google’s plan of action pushing ahead. Microsoft accomplished available through the quality of its Window working framework and Office work area profitability applications. Additionally, they broaden their working framework and receive procurement loads of organization to degree their situation just as produce different items that blend increasingly explicit highlights. Also, they gracefully assortment programming for work areas and servers. They are likewise corporate with cell phone enterprises. Microsoft and its items are by and by staples for organizations and clients hope to build up their profitability with PC. For the plan of action, Microsoft has accomplished in foundation the model of work area processing. Microsoft’s protest is innovative work the Internet yet they have to persuade clients to continue utilizing the work area as the point of convergence for registering assignments. 2) Has the Internet assumed control over the PC work area as the focal point of the activity? Why or why not? No, the web can't be taken over by the PC work area. Due to, purchaser may utilize cell phone, note pad, etc so as to associate web promptly at anyplace. Particularly, 4G is as of late discharged so it permits client can get to web at the quickest speed or Wi-Fi is likewise a most ideal approach to associate web. With the beneficial outcome of web, client can spare, download and store information which is called as distributed computing or send information to other individual on our cell phone or scratch pad. In this way, purchaser doesn't have to invest bunches of energy in work area to perform figuring errands. In this way, the web makes people’s life become simpler and agreeable. 3) Why has Microsoft endeavored to obtain Yahoo? How can it influence its plan of action? Do you accept this is a decent move? Microsoft needs to gain Yahoo since they want to improve its Internet nearness. Hurray is web enterprise which is fundamental advancement in online interface, Search motor Yahoo, internet based life site, commercial, Yahoo! New, etc, they are one of the most renowned brand around the world. In this way, if Microsoft obtains Yahoo, they can improve in advancement, news, administration, website architecture. Also, Microsoft needs to destroy the danger of a promoting bargain among Google and Yahoo. Google is a one of the most risky rival to Microsoft. Additionally Google’s innovation continues improving and emerge loads of benefit per search. In this way Microsoft needs to decrease the advancement just as nearness of Google available. Going to Microsoft’s new objective, they should accomplish in improve and disturb in search, win in show commercial, rehash entryway and internet based life encounters. Yippee is an organization that comprise these components and it appropriates to Microsoft’s crusade. They would concentrate on building up the web by gaining Yahoo. Be that as it may, work area processing from Microsoft ought to be influenced in light of the fact that the piece of the pie of work area available is diminishing essentially while the significant of web is more extensive. As a result, the piece of the overall industry in Microsoft would be gone down as well. As I would like to think, this is a decent move for Microsoft. Despite the fact that, the quantity of client for work area processing is diminishing altogether yet in the event that they gain effective Yahoo which is center around web. Microsoft can enhance their item and administration into new ways. Web is developing so quick step by step and pulling in an enormous number of clients around the world, so Microsoft ought to follow the requirements of clients to expand the piece of the overall industry just as income. 4) What is the noteworthiness of Google Apps to Google’s future achievement? Google Apps is a progression of Web-based applications that incorporate Gmail, quick informing, schedule, word preparing, introduction and spreadsheet applications (Google Docs) and instruments for building synergistic Web destinations. These frameworks are more easier and not unpredictable as opposed to Microsoft’s Office applications. Google offers those applications for nothing to emerge alluring and improve the Google’s nearness available. In the interim, client must compensation for Microsoft’s Office applications and they are very costly. Along these lines, with Google Apps, they can contend and limit the intensity of Microsoft. What's more, with the advancement of web, Google permit client download their application for nothing on web. Likewise, Google Apps associate with Iphone, Galaxy S3,4 to carry their applications closer to buyer. Google offers Premier versions which is cost $50 every year per client while Microsoft offers $500 per individual to possess their applications. In this manner, Google offers a less expensive cost than Microsoft. Later on, Google Apps may draw in numerous customer instead of Microsoft and assist Google with increasing more benefit and push up the intensity of Google. Be that as it may, Microsoft Office had been constructed and spent different dollars for a difficult year prior to examine and create, pull in an enormous number of client and they realize how to utilize these application. Therefore, customer might be difficult to change to Google Apps in light of the fact that it is another frameworks, client needs to figure out how to utilize it and most likely generative blunder at whenever. In this way, Microsoft Office is a major obstruction that forestalls the improvement of Google Apps later on. 5) Would you use Google Apps rather than Microsoft Office applications for processing undertakings? Why or why not? No, I would not utilize Google Apps rather than Microsoft Office application. As I would like to think, Google Apps is a significant new framework, it is more straightforward and less expensive than Microsoft Office. Be that as it may, Google Apps is intended for clients who use registering task at the first run through. It is about major form of Microsoft so shopper will figure out how to utilize processing task effectiveness. In any case, Microsoft Office had been existed for quite a while back and pulled in numerous purchaser just as significant level of fulfillment. These days, a great many people use Microsoft Office as their first decision, they can pay for them, and even it is very costly. Be that as it may, the activity and framework from Microsoft Office are extremely proficient and collaborate completely with registering errands. In any event, when buyer utilizes Macbook, Imac, they download programming from Microsoft like window 7, 8 to utilize Microsoft Office. Despite the fact that, Apple make iWork however there are little individuals utilize that framework. Thusly, I will follow Microsoft Office and keep on utilizing it as my best decision. 6) Which organization and plan of action do you accept will win in the epic battle? Legitimize your answer Both of Microsoft and Google are the most well known available around the world. Microsoft has assembled and created registering assignments for quite a while back. Additionally, their item and administration are draw fascination from numerous clients, they fulfill consumer’s need and what they need. Moreover, Microsoft broadens to versatile industry by coordinate with Nokia. They are additionally making loads of unique programming that numerous purchasers utilize, for example, window 7, 8, XP. Microsoft accepts that work area figuring will overwhelm the market later on yet with the created web, work area registering is do not utilize anymore. Web is presently the most significant for shopper. Google is an organization that generally excellent being developed their item and administration identified with web. With web crawler, publicizing, web-base, Google Apps, Google App Engine (permit developer makes their own application), they permit client performs registering task through web, client can utilize cell phone, note pad to associate web and incorporate with these applications. With this plan of action of Google, they draw in different clients worldwide and improve the nearness of Google. Subsequently, Google may win in this question contrast with Microsoft End Microsoft is more grounded being developed registering undertaking, work area and programming. They have fulfilled buyer and pulled in numerous clients. In any case, Google makes all registering task through web. This is a thing that Microsoft can't be better t

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Brief History of Point-Shaving in College Basketball - OppLoans

A Brief History of Point-Shaving in College Basketball - OppLoans A Brief History of Point-Shaving in College Basketball A Brief History of Point-Shaving in College BasketballThere are good ways to make an extra buck and there are not-so-good ways and theres point-shaving, which is a really bad way.With March Madness just around the corner, NCAA men’s basketball is about to be the most popular sport in the country. But with greater attention comes greater scrutiny, and it’s hard to ignore the fact that college basketball is undergoing its fair share of scandals.Many of those recent scandals revolve around payments made to players. Oftentimes the payments are funneled to them from representatives of major shoe companies in the hopes that the  player will play for an affiliated college program.Trying to earn a little cash on the side is nothing newâ€"and oftentimes its commendable! (What role the NCAA’s amateurism standards plays in all this is something we’ll leave for another day.) But one common thread among these scandals is that they all involve programs and affiliated companies trying to l ure the best players they can.Not all college basketball scandals work this way. And one type of scandal, point-shaving, involves the exact opposite: Players getting bribed to make their teams play worse, not better. Here’s a brief history of some of those scandals throughout NCAA history, when players in need of some extra cash ended up finding it in exactly the wrong place. What is point-shaving?In order to understand point-shaving, you first need to understand point spreads.When sportsbooks open up betting on a game, their odds favor one team winning over the other. But they don’t just say “Team X will win over Team Y”; they also set a point spread, which determines how many points the winning team will win by. The more a team is favored over another team, the higher the point spread, and vice versa.When a person places a bet on a team, what they’re really placing a bet on is that team beating the point spread. If you bet on the winning team and they win don’t beat th e spread, you still lose. If you bet the losing team and they lose but they do beat the spread, you win.Point spreads are why point-shaving exists. Oftentimes, conspirators bribe players to “shave points,” so their team, while still winning the game, doesn’t beat the spread. That way, the gamblers can bet on the losing team and win the betâ€"all without having to convince the players to actually lose the game.Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s dive in.1950-51: City College of New York (CCNY)During the 1949-1950 NCAA season, the City College of New York (CCNY) men’s basketball team was crowned champions of both the NCAA tournament and the NIT tournamentâ€"something that had never done before. It also led to a rule change, which is why its never happened since, either.Unfortunately, it came out the following season out that several of the players on CCNY that season had been taking payments from local gamblers and mafia members in order to shave points. They had also done so during the 1948-40 season.And they weren’t the only ones. Students from six other schools were implicated in the scheme as well. Three of the other schools were also in New Yorkâ€"they were Long Island University, Manhattan College, and New York University (NYU)â€"but the scheme also wrapped up players from the University of Toledo, the University of Kentucky, and Bradley University in Peoria.It all began after Junius Kellogg, a player at Manhattan college reported being offered a bribe, and police set up a sting operation to catch these gamblers in the act. And they did. Five men, two ex-CCNY stars and three bookmakers, were arrested on charges of bribery and conspiracy.New York District Attorney Frank Hogan took over from there, launching a widespread investigation into the point-shaving scheme, which eventually resulted in the arrests of seven players, including three stars from the current CCNY team. When all was said and done, 32 players would admit to taking br ibes.The consequences were far-reaching. Out of the seven programs, only the University of Kentucky recovered, even after NCAA banned them from the entire 1952-53 season. CCNY, for instance, is now a Division III team. Several players involved were also banned from ever playing in the NBA, sending their promising careers up in smoke.1961: Jack Molinas and Connie Hawkins.In 1954, Fort Wayne Pistons player Jack Molinas was suspended by the NBA. The reason? He had been caught betting on games in which his team played. Years later, Molinas, who had ties to the 1951 scandal, would be arrested as one of the central figures in a new and  even bigger point-shaving scheme.Molinas’ partner in the scheme was bookmaker Joe Hacken. Their connection went back to Molinas’ days playing for Columbia University, and both men had mafia ties. Hacken had escaped conviction in 1951 scandal, but his stepbrother, Cornelius Kelleher, had been one of the first five men arrested for trying to bribe Junius Kellogg.Molinas and Hacken’s point-shaving operation led to the arrests of 37 players across 22 programs, including players from Columbia University, University of Connecticut, St. Johns University, NYU, and North Carolina State.Basketball star Connie Hawkins, then a freshman at Iowa, got caught up in the scandal, and his career suffered greatly from his association with Molinas. Hawkins and fellow prep star Roger Brown (who played college ball at Dayton), both knew Molinas back home in New York City and had, indeed, excepted favors from himâ€"including cash.However, neither player was ever accused of participating in the point-shaving scheme. But their merely being associated with Molinas was enough to end their college careers and get them banned from playing in the NBA.Both men instead played in the fledgling American Basketball Association (ABA) and Hawkins eventually got his NBA ban overturned, after which he played for the Los Angeles Lakers and the Atlanta Hawks, making fo ur NBA All-Star games. Still, his career was never quite what it should have been, all because of a point-shaving scheme he wasn’t even involved in!The case against Molinas and Hacken’s scheme was brought by New York District Attorney, Frank Hogan, the same man who prosecuted the 1951 case.1978-79: Boston College and Henry HillThanks to the film Goodfellas, which is based on his memoir, Henry Hill is one of the most famous mobsters in American history. And in the late 70s, Hill conspired with four other menâ€"brothers Rocco and Tony Perla, Paul Mazzei, and James Burkeâ€"to fix Boston College basketball games.Rocco Perla conceived of the scheme, which was based on his high school friendship with BC player Rick Kuhn. Kuhn agreed to participate and recruited his teammate Jim Sweeney to join him. BC’s leading scorer, Rich Cobb was also implicated in the scheme, but his involvement was never proven.Over that season, the four mobsters attempted to fix nine different BC games during the 1978-79 season, always with the team winning by less than the stated point spreadâ€"instead of just losing the game outright.Hill was arrested in 1980 on drug trafficking and other charges and turned state’s witness. Even though he was being questioned on matters entirely unrelated to college-point shaving, his involvement in the scheme came to light.The Perlas, Mazzei, Burke, and Kuhn were all charged, tried, and convicted of racketeering. James Sweeney was not charged and provided witness testimony for the prosecution. Hill also testified and was never charged.1985: Tulane University and John “Hot Rod” WilliamsOn June 18th, 1985, former Tulane University center John “Hot Rod” Williams was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers with the third-to-last pick in the NBA draft. He would go on to play for the Cavaliers for nine years and play 13 years in the league overall, setting a Cavs record for blocked shots in the process.However, Williams did not actually play for Clevel and during the 1985-86 season. Instead, he played for the Rhode Island Gulls of the upstart United States Basketball League (USBL) before joining the Cavs for the 1986-87 season.Why was that? Well, on March 27th, 1985, Williams was arrested for allegedly taking part in a point-shaving scheme at Tulane. He was one of three players, and eight individuals total, who were arrested in connection with the plot. Williams was later acquitted on all counts, which paved the way for him to play in the NBA.However, that point-shaving scandal was only the beginning of Tulane basketball’s woes. The investigation also revealed rampant drug use within the program and cash payments from coach Ned Fowler to the players, in violation of NCAA recruiting rules. Once these findings were announced, Fowler quickly resigned.The overarching scandal was so bad that Tulane president Eamon Kelly terminated the universitys basketball program entirelyâ€"although the program was later reinstated for the 1990-91 season.There’s an old saying that “it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up.” In this case, it wasn’t so much the crime as it was all the other crimes (and NCAA violations) that were happening in the immediate vicinity.1993-94: Arizona State and Northwestern.We promised a “brief” history of NCAA point-shaving scandals, which means that we need to start hurrying up. However, two scandals from the 1990s stand out.During the 1993-94 college basketball season, star Arizona State University guard Stevin Smith, who had accrued over $10,00 in gambling debts to fellow student Benny Silman, helped shave points and fix four ASU home games.Other people got involved, including fellow player Isaac Burton, Jr., and the bets they placed started getting bigger and biggerâ€"so big, in fact, that sportsbooks and other bettors took notice. Silman was eventually sentenced to 48 months in prison, while Silman, Burton, and three others received shorter sentences.During the 1994-95 season, tw o players on the Northwestern Wildcatsâ€"Kenneth Dion Lee and Dewey Williamsâ€"shaved points from three of the team’s games. When the scheme was uncovered a few years later, two other men were also charged in connection with the scandal. All four of the men served short stints in prison.With legalized sports gambling now on the table, the odds of a future point-shaving scandal are on the rise. And while we’re all for people running a profitable side hustle, breaking the law is not the way to do it!If you enjoyed this article, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:From Rags to Riches: A Financial History of the NFL10 Money Lessons From the Worst Contracts in NBA HistoryHow Student-Athlete Insurance Protects Financial FuturesThe 12 Worst Financial Scandals In HistoryDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us  on  Facebook  and  Twitter.Visit OppLoans on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedIN  |Instagram

Monday, May 25, 2020

History Of Americ A Progressive Era - 923 Words

History of America (1865 to 1914) The history of the United States from 1865 to 1914 consisted of development, reconstruction, the gilded age and was really a progressive era. During this period there was a significant rise in industrialization which resulted huge flow of immigration in America. This period brought rapid growth and immense fortune in North and West and U.S. become the world’s leading industrial, economic and agriculture power. The average income e of nonfarm worker raised by 75% during the period 1865 to 1900 and thereafter a further grew of 33% by 1918 (Franklin). After the decisive victory in Civil War, the United States became more commanding and united with a vibrant national government. Reconstruction brought the end of slavery and on January 1, 1863 Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln to free all slaves in confederate states. History of this period will not be completed without quoting Abraham Lincoln s 1863 (19th Nov), speech of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is the speech that every American will never forget (Richard William Leopold), The most significant purpose of his speech was his declaration that all men are born free and must be treated free. However the new-found political power was rolled back within ten year and they were treated as second-class citizens under a â€Å"Jim Crow’ system of extremely inescapable separation that would stand for the almost one century. Politics during this period was dominated by Republican, except twice

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Intelligence, Surveillance, And Reconnaissance - 858 Words

2.1.3. Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance The intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) is a main function of airpower, which integrates the intelligence production activities with activities such as surveillance and reconnaissance. ISR is an â€Å"integrated intelligence and operations function† by nature. The ISR efforts contribute to the creation of joint integrated intelligence preparation of tactical, operational and even strategic environment. This results in gaining the effect of situational awareness, and provides with the opportunity to dominate adversaries in the decision making at all levels of war – tactical, operational and strategic. The core airpower attributes height, speed and reach, provides with†¦show more content†¦Thus it is most likely to be a role, applicable with service, agency or organisation. Rather it is more appropriate the approach of naming the role, used in NATO AJP-3.3 â€Å"Allied Joint Doctrine for Air and Space Operations† – â€Å"contribution to ISR†, which addresses the airpower as contributor. The main activities, which comply with the definition and core attributes of air power, are surveillance and reconnaissance. While performing the surveillance and reconnaissance, airpower contributes to the intelligence and enables the achievement of the â€Å"situational awareness† effect. Separating these three functions will lead to loss of effectiveness. Surveillance Surveillance is defined as operations which include â€Å"systematic observation of space, aerospace, surface areas, places, persons or objects, by visual, aural, electronic, photographic or other means† [15]. The aim of conducting surveillance is to provide with indications and warning about the adversaries’ activities and potential or actual threats of different origin. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Extent at Which Peer Group Affect Students Academic...

THE EFFECT OF PEER PRESSURE IN CAREER CHOICE OF THE 4Th YEAR STUDENTS OF CALOOCAN HIGH SCHOOL A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty Members of the UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY General San Miguel Street, Sangandaan, Caloocan City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PSYCHOLOGY By: Danna Reyes Mharfel M. Milanes September 23, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Approval Sheet†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Acknowledgement†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Background of the Study†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Statement of the Problem†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦They dont do it deliberately. No. They just cant distinguish between the good and the bad. They need to be taught the difference. They need to be shielded from negative peer pressure. And the solution is not in isolating them from peers. Its in teaching them to make good choices in life. A strong support from family, an ability to differentiate between the right and the wrong and the skill to choose friends from peers is the key to greet the positive effects of peer pressure and keep the negative ones at bay. Your peers, their choices and ways of life give you a glimpse of the world outside the four walls of your house. What they think about things in life, how they perceive situations, how they react in different circumstances can actually expose you to the world around. Being part of a larger group of peers exposes you to the variety in human behavior. This makes you reflect on your behavior and know where you stand. Peer pressure can lead you to make right choices in life. Peer pressure forces you to do things you are not comfortable doing. It can even lead you to adopt a certain kind of lifestyle, even if you dont really want to. You may not like partying every weekend, you may not be smoking. But peer pressure is powerful. It can turn you from an always-at-ho me boy/girl to a complete party animal. It can turn you from a total non-smoker to a chain-smoker. There are so many teenagers who take to drinkingShow MoreRelatedThe Extent at Which Peer Group Affect Students Academic Performance5181 Words   |  21 PagesThe Extent to which Peer Groups Affect Academic Performance Have you ever wondered about the extent to which peer groups affect academic performance? Make no mistake; a peer group can impact your childs academic performance significantly. However, to say that ones peer group is the most influential factor in academic performance isnt true either. Lets take a look at just how influential ones peer group is. [pic] The Extent to Which Peer Groups Affect Academic Performance To answer the questionRead MoreThe Model Minority Myth Of Asian Americans846 Words   |  4 PagesThe Model Minority Myth The model minority stereotype suggests that Asian Americans as a group are achieving a higher level of academic, economic, and social success than the overall American population (Hartlep, 2013; Tran Birman, 2010). This stereotype is very much engrained in the American culture today; however, such acceptance does not reflect the whole truth. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, 52.4% of Asian Americans over the age of 25 have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared toRead MoreGibb and Dyches Workbook Summary1280 Words   |  6 Pagescreated for students who have been classified with a disability and are between the ages of 3 and 21. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement of the educational program designed to meet a child’s individual educational needs. 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About 20% of adults withRead MoreAlcohol And Drugs And Their Effects On First Year Students1544 Words   |  7 PagesAlcohol and Drugs and their Effects on First-Year Students Alcohol has been a part of human society for millennia. It can be found in churches, gas stations, supermarkets, and nearly everywhere else. Drugs are becoming more ubiquitous as well, with the legalization of cannabis now active in some form in 25 states (Maciag â€Å"State†). However, no single place is more saturated with alcohol and drugs than the college campus. Despite the troves of research that have been done to give evidence that theyRead MoreExamining the Social Interactions of the Inclusion Classroom: A Grounded Theory1424 Words   |  6 Pagesfocuses in the field of special education for the past two decades. Students with disabilities are being integrated in the general education classrooms at a steady pace. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Patient Communication Nursing Profession

Question: Discuss about thePatient Communication for Nursing Profession. Answer: Introduction Communication plays an integral role in any profession, and when it comes to the nursing profession, the communication skills to be possessed by the nurse becomes doubly important. There is no denying the fact that the consumers of the service of the health care sector, such as the patient and his family are usually under stressful conditions, and hence a positive, friendly and composed style of communication is desirable here (Rigolosi, 2013). There are various types of communication that is likely to occur between the nurse and the clients. However, usually the interpersonal communication style is the most effectively used communication style in the healthcare sectors. While a nurse communicates mostly with the client and his family orally, verbal communication plays an important role. While interacting with the patient or his family, the nurse should be relaxed and patient. In case of sensitive situations, such as a situation that involves a dying patient, the nurse must adopt a cool relaxed, and empathetic style of communication, so that she can offer proper moral support to the clients (Rigolosi, 2013). A variety of factors can affect the communication experience between the patients and the nurses. One of the factors that affect this is the cultural difference between the patient and the nurse. Often people with cultural differences end up having an undesirable situation with the clients. Another important factor affecting the relation can be a wide gap of age difference between the nurse and the patient. The age difference can potentially hinder the provision of the health care service. The greater the age difference, the harder the provision of medical attention (Keating, McDermott, Montgomery, 2013). It will require an elderly nurse to come up and help in the process. This is because one party will view the other to be inferior in the provision of quality health care. Again, language barrier can also be an important factor here. Besides, the free flow of communication between the nurse and the patient can be affected in case the doctor employs the use of too many jargons, while communicating the symptoms or diagnostic methods of a complex disease (Keating, McDermott, Montgomery, 2013). Hence, it is important that the nurse simplifies the complicated medical terms, and communicates the health issue of the patient, the diagnostic process or the medications required in an easily comprehensible style. The communication experience must be clear to the patient availing healthcare. One of the advantages is that the patients will be able to analyze the treatment and provide the feedback to the process. It will facilitate the health care institution to comprehend the ways that they should emulate in future to improve the consumer experience. Consequently, this will help the organization improve the quality of service it delivers to the clients. With the help of this process, the organization will be able to gauge its performance. It will be useful in the determining whether the organization has reached the goals and aims. Hence, it is not sufficient to ask the nurses to behave in an effective way, as it is equally important to observe the extent to which such communication processes are successfully followed by the nurses. Hence, it is good to recommend the use of the suggestion box so that the patients or the clients family can communicate their feedback and inform the hospital author ity the change that the nurses should bring in their behavioral pattern or interaction skills (Keating, McDermott, Montgomery, 2013). Communication between the nurse and the patient is very crucial in the provision of quality health care. One of the strategies that can be used is the provision of undivided attention to the individuals while the communication process is taking place. Especially, the supervision of the freshly appointed nurses will help in monitoring their performance as far as their communication is concerned. The supervisor will be mindful of the communication style adopted by the nurse for communicating to the other party. In the use of this process, it will enable the individuals to mind the body language and the verbal words said, while communicating to the client. It will in turn help in enhancing the process of better provision of the health care. Besides, asking the patients to rate and review the performance of the nurses whose service they availed, could be beneficial in understanding the flaws in the communication style of the nurses (Grol, Wensing, Eccles, Davis, 2013). By improving the communication skills of the nurses, the specific health sector organization will be able to broaden the scope of interaction between the nurse and the clients. More and more people from the broad social divide will come together for the enhancement of the communication process. While the nurse will not be biased while serving people belonging to various sexes, they will be adept in serving the diverse group of people with different spiritual ideologies for the sake of better health care provision. Besides, people belonging to different age groups will interact for the benefit of the process.Thus; it will be possible to ensure an inclusive and diverse place for health care provision (Grol, Wensing, Eccles, Davis, 2013). With the help of the use of proper methods of communication, it will be ensured that all the individuals will be treated fairly irrespective of the social class or cultural group they belong to. With the help of this strategy, the health care sector will be free from any errors (Grol, Wensing, Eccles, Davis, 2013). In order to improve the nurse patient communication in future, it is important that the nurses are being provided with training programs that can enhance and improve their interpersonal communication skills. The nurses can also be asked to participate in different soft skill grooming seminars and workshops that can also help in nurturing the interactive skills of the nurses apart from inculcating virtues such as patience and composure. Besides, the rating system will also make the nurse feel supervised and consequently they will tend to improve their interactive skills. References Grol, R., Wensing, M., Eccles, M., Davis, D. (2013). Improving patient care (1st ed.). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell/BMJ Books. Keating, M., McDermott, A., Montgomery, K. (2013). Patient-centered health care (1st ed.). Rigolosi, E. (2013). Management and leadership in nursing and health care (1st ed.). New York: Springer.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Whatever Essays - Fiction, Film, The Walt Disney Company

Whatever Essays - Fiction, Film, The Walt Disney Company Whatever him seem naive and as Scar said from the very beginning gifted with more brawn then brains. In the Little Mermaid, Ursula is the villain. She is an octopus who appears to have been educated in Oxford as opposed to living under the sea her whole life. Again, we see a villain with a regal air. Although she is not visually appealing and has a more robust form than most traditional villains, she is cunning in her own way. The movie never really established her former relationship with Triton the king of the sea. It simply implied that there was an incident for which she was cast from the kingd Bibliography kjgh ijg

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Family Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Family Structure - Essay Example As the study outlines   from among all these, the newborn baby is the one who is least affected in the new structure because he or she is the one taken cared for while everyone starts being responsible for him or her. Speaking of the new parents, the mother and the father are affected greatly by their newborn child not only in terms of the physical demands they should fulfill such as not getting enough sleep and having to tolerate the constant crying but at the same time cause a change in their lifestyle, the dreams they pursue, responsibilities, purchase behavior, and even how they interact socially. This is because of the fact that a newborn poses a lot of responsibilities not only financially but at the same will require a lot of sacrifices such as re-managing one’s priorities to achieve a balance between providing for one’s family’s needs and at the same time giving oneself a little leeway for a little fun time. This paper highlights that what is unique to mothers of a newborn would be the fact that they usually feel neglected or perhaps feel like they are missed out a lot in life because of the routine activity she is confined in from not only taking care of the baby but at the same time her other children if there are and of course, we cannot miss out on her responsibility to her husband which makes her lose time and energy to pamper herself. On the other hand, fathers constantly face the pressure to work longer hours and earn more to be able to provide for his family’s increasing needs. A newborn baby would greatly affect their siblings as well. This is because of the fact that children have the tendency to be possessive with their parent’s attention and time especially when they were used to being the only one.  

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Physical and Chemical Properties of Methylene Chloride Essay

Physical and Chemical Properties of Methylene Chloride - Essay Example The term â€Å"hazardous substance† means any substance or mixture of substances which is toxic, corrosive, an irritant, a strong sensitizer, is flammable or combustible, generates pressure through decomposition, heat or other means, if such substance or mixture of substances may cause substantial personal injury or illness during or as a proximate result of any customary or reasonably foreseeable handling or use, including reasonably foreseeable ingestion by children.2 According to the Occupational Safety and Health Standards of the United States Department of labour, employees exposed to methylene chloride are at an increased risk of developing cancer, adverse effects on the heart, central nervous system and liver, and skin or eye irritation.3 Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely however, long-term degradation products may occur. The products of degradation are more toxic. There is no disturbance or aerobe purifying process at concentrations less than 200 mg/l. Methylene chloride is a stable and non-corrosive chemical in the presence of glass. It is combustible at high temperatures, with an auto-ignition temperature of 556 oC (1032.8 oF). When using methylene chloride, avoid the following: strong acids, alkali metals, and oxidizing agents. In case of fire, use water spray, fog or foam. Do not use a water jet. Fire may liberate toxic and corrosive vapours. In case of skin contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Thoroughly wash and clean shoes before reuse. If it is serious skin contact, wash affected area with disinfectant soap and cover with anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical attention immediately If ingested, avoid inducing vomiting, unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If large quantities have been swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, belt or tie.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Psychoanalytical Approach Essay Example for Free

Psychoanalytical Approach Essay ?1. Psychoanalytical Criticism ?2. Psychoanalytical criticism is a type ofcriticism that uses theories of psychology to analyze literature. It focuses on theauthor’s state of mind or the state of the mind of fictional characters. ?3. Sigmund FreudPsychoanalytical criticism originated in the workof Sigmund Freud. Freud’s theories areconcerned with the nature of the unconsciousmind. According to Freud, the human mindconsists of three parts: the id, the ego andsuperego. ? The id is source of our instinctual and physical desires. ? The superego is the part of the psyche that has internalized the norms and mores of society. ? The ego is keeps mediating between the demands of the id and the superego. It is rational, logical, and conscious. ?4. Repression? We often repress what the id encourages us to think and do because the ego and superego tell us not to think and do, therefore forcing these unacceptable wishes into the unconscious. All of us have repressed wishes and fears.? Repressed desires emerge in disguised forms: dreams and language (slips). They emerge in symbolic form that require  analysis to reveal their meaning.? Many elements of psychology that Freud described appear in literary works. ?5. Freudian Literary Criticism? Freudian critics try to understand how the operations of repression structure or inform the work They pay close attention to unconscious motives and feelings, whether these be those of the author, or of the characters depicted in the work.? They demonstrate the presence in the literary work of classic psychoanalytic symptoms or conditions. ?6. Carl Gustav Jung and Jungian literary Criticism? Jung developed the theory of the collective unconscious, a collection of shared unconscious memories dating back to the origins of human experience and manifested in dreams, myths, and literature.? A great work of literature is not a disguised expression of repressed wishes, but a manifestation of the desires one held by the whole human race, and now repressed because of the advent of civilization.? Jungian analysis of literature tries to discover the images in a work of literature that a permanent and universal significance. ?7. Harold Bloom and the anxiety of InfluenceThe most important contemporary psychological criticis Harold Bloom. Bloom uses the Freudian concept ofrepression to apply it to literary history in general. Nopoet creates in isolation from his predecessors. In TheAnxiety of Influence, he argues that poetsunconsciously misread the poems of their greatpredecessors. The new poems are essentiallyrewritings of poems by a father-figure predecessor. Poets keep struggling to free themselves from thisinfluence of father-figure poets.

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Injustice Of Slavery :: Slavery Essays

The Injustice of Slavery Slaves were people who were taken from their home land in Africa and brought to America, to serve as servants on farms, doing household chores, etc. Slaves were used from the beginning of time, by people like the Egyptians. Now a days it is illegal to own slaves, but it still happens. And to this day African Americans are discriminated. In my opinion, that is just not fair, they did not ask to come over to our country, we brought them here. We are the ones to blame. Yet, they have to pay. If you were a black man and had a trial with a white jury, you will probably be guilty. If you are a black man, many white people will try to steer clear of you, or look at you in a funny way. How did slaves actually become free, you might be asking yourself. It all began with a man named Abraham Lincoln, he wanted to set slaves free. But the southern states had large plantations and needed slaves to help, so this was not a good idea, in their opinion. This controversy led to the Civil War, which was eventually won by the north, and slaves were set free in America. But people discriminated slaves very much, and that was not good. Discrimination of African Americans is not that big now a days, but it is still out there. Discrimination sort of died out when a man named Martin Luther King, Jr. expressed some of his thoughts about discrimination. His famous speech was entitled "I Have a Dream". Back before his speech, African Americans were not treated as people. They had to stand at the back of the bus, they had to live in a certain area of town, they could not use the white restrooms or

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Public speaking: A vital skill for teachers Essay

â€Å"I have a dream† a speech by Martin Luther King that united a nation and broke down racial barriers. Without Kings leadership and inspirational speech it may have taken an extra 10 years to bring equality to all races. Hitler’s many speeches were delivered with extreme passion and caused arguably one of the most horrific genocides of all time. Throughout history public speaking has united people and caused great change, both for the better and worse. Public speaking is important, in history and in life. It is a vital skill in many disciplines. However nowhere more prominent than education. Public speaking in education is how educators inspire, teach and engage students. Good public speaking skills can enhance confidence, communication skills, help demonstrate knowledge and improve public image.  Public speaking usually consists of three main components including preparation, visual aids and non- verbal communication. How well these three main components are demonstrated or used can be the difference between a great influential educator who can inspire and teach students and a class that will not pay attention and a teacher who cannot engage. Preparation is key in presenting a well thought out, impressive presentation. To an educator preparation is vital. Preparation usually consists of the following elements audience, research, rhetorical mix and rehearsal. Elisabeth Gareis in Guidelines for Public Speaking expresses the importance of tailoring to the audience. Gareis (2006) states that â€Å"at all times during the process of preparing and delivering a speech, we need to keep in mind that we are speaking to an audience and not just to ourselves† (pp.3). For an educator it is crucial to know the students and the curriculum so that the information and how the information is delivered is tailored to the specific class. The audience is key and public speaking is all about engaging the audienc e whether it be a class of grade ones, students in high school or even work colleagues. Regardless if the purpose is to persuade, argue or entertain without the audience’s attention the message is lost. To avoid the loss of the message and to keep the audience engaged it is vital to know the target audience. Know the students or colleagues ideals, the classes’ diversity, the beliefs and expectations (Nash, 2013). Knowing the audience can help incorporate what the audience expects and the purpose of the presentation or lesson to coincide together effectively. However knowing the audience or class is only half the battle as public speaking or teaching is pointless without something to say. Educators rely on credible sources to teach students about specific subjects. Research is the tool teachers most commonly use to find relevant, reliable, academic sources that support and explain the specific disciplines taught to the class. Research is important in creating a well thought out, well developed lesson in which can be tested by an academic criteria. Subsequen tly research is important in backing up the three most arguably important aspects to engage students. Logos, Ethos and Pathos make up the rhetorical mix developed by Aristotle. Aristotle argued that the presence of Logos, Ethos and Pathos is vital in creating a persuasive speech (Nash, 2013, pp 154-155). Logos: the appeal to logic, Ethos: the appeal to credibility and Pathos: the appeal to emotion (Eunson,  2012 as cited in Nash, 2013) are all equally important to address in a persuasive argument. Addressing all three aspects of a rhetorical mix is an effective way to create an engaging presentation that communicates its message in a way the audience or students can easily understand. Rehearsal is the final stage of preparation that brings all aspects of the presentation or lesson together (Scudder.V, 2009). Rehearsal is an effective way to make sure all details of a presentation are in order to function at the highest possible quality. Rehearsal is key to creating a professional learning environment for the students and a credible name for the Teacher. Subsequently rehearsal is also the best place to make sure all visual and audio aid aspects are in working order so a professional learning environment can be maintained and student’s attention do not weary (Scudder.V, 2009). Visual aids provide a further aspect to any presentation. Images, videos, handouts, posters and power points are all included as a form of visual aid. Visual aids can be used as a tool to engage students and complement content. However Visual aids especially illustrative aids such as power point images and video clips, should be used sparingly only to emphasis or explain the lessons content (Wright, J. 2009). Jane Wright explains in ‘The role of computer software in presenting information’ that delivering a presentation with both audio and visual stimuli can affect the amount of information retained by the audience. Thus for educators it is important to tailor to the lesson only using visual or audio aids necessary to communicate the required information. Consequently gestures and actions can be just as engaging as a picture therefore just as much emphasis should be placed on non-verbal communication as visual or audio aids. Non- verbal communication includes all form of communication aside from the content said aloud. Non- verbal communication suggests everything from what you wear to how you stand can communicate a message to your audience (Nash, 2013). To educators this is especially important as students pay attention to how a teacher looks and acts. Non-verbal communication is imperative for imparting knowledge to students and maintaining their attention. Stance, eye contact, gestures and paralinguistics can all communicate confidence, knowledge and enthusiasm. Students are more likely to listen to a teacher dressed professional, making eye contact, moving around the room and placing emphas is on key areas with gestures and volume than a slouched over,  monotone teacher who could not make the effort to iron their shirt. Non- verbal communication can be just as important if not more important than visual aids. As using honesty and enthusiasm as well as good communication skills to engage students is much more effective for educators to communicate the desired content (Wright, J. 2009) Public speaking is extremely important for an educator. Students Listen to Teachers who inspire them and who communicate their ideas, knowledge or lesson effectively. If a teacher cannot communicate with students then they cannot be a Teacher. Therefore it is vital for an educator to become familiar and to master the key areas of becoming a great influential, engaging public speaker. Preparation, Visual aids and Non-Verbal communication if used correctly are what can make any speech or lesson memorable. Consequently teachers need to be aware that public speaking is a day to day ritual and mastering it is what can change a teacher to an inspiring mentor who engages their students. Reference List Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Nash, G. (2013). A guide to university assessment. QLD, Australia: John Wiley & Sons. Section 5 pp. 158-184. Scudder.V (2009). G Sound check: How to avoid presentation dangers. October, p. 10 Wright, J. (2009). The role of computer software in presenting information: presentation software is used frequently to disseminate ideas in visual forms that can be understood easily. Jane wright asks whether senior nurses should develop their skills in rhetoric instead. 16 (4), 30–34. Elisabeth Gareis Guidelines for public speaking, pp. 3-4

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Business Expansion on an International Level - 1659 Words

Business Expansion on International Level Table of Contents Abstract 3 Business Expansion on International Level 4 Technological Factors 5 Absence of Competitive Edge 6 Conclusion 8 References 9 Abstract With the wave of globalization, organizations are planning to emerge at regional and international level. It is a challenging journey which may ruin the success marked in the host country as well. It is, therefore, extremely important to identify and analyze the potential risk factors which can hinder the successful performance at international level. The strategy successfully implemented in one country may produce altogether opposite results in the other country. Business expansion on international level is the dream of every business organization that is successful in the home country. It is not only ambition for growth which paves way for international business expansion, but also a requirement posed by wave of globalization in the modern 21st century. People are interested in buying imported items and organizations long for conducting business in various countries in which they can enjoy cheap labor and economies of scale. Going global is a long strenuous journey in which an organization has to keep an eye on several factors. It is important to mention that many organizations when going global assume high probability of success just because they are successful in local industry. This assumption may land them in trouble. It is because; success inShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis Of Ulta Beauty1344 Words   |  6 Pagesbeauty, All in one place.† This business model has provided a broad-spectrum marketing platform that utilizes multiple aspects of brick-and-mortar and online sales in the promotion of beauty products in the United States. Mission Statement: The mission of this study is define the points of expansion for Ulta and its products at the international level. Ulta’s continuing success in the United States has brought about great success for the company at the domestic levels. However, Ulta can significantlyRead MoreNetflix Inc. And Its International Global Operations Expansions Abroad1583 Words   |  7 PagesOur business strategies can dictate our level of competitiveness and determine our level of profitability. Our strengths, weakness, obstacles and threat analysis (SWOT) gives us a tangible picture of company direction and assists in maintaining a competitive edge moving forward. However, the level of strategic design for the global expansion efforts discussed today, will include a level of complexities in planning, pertaining to the industry type and the major competitors introduced. We will beRead MoreInternational Expansion And Vertical Integration1501 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction International Expansion is a process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global-spanning network of communication and trade (Lou,1999). An expansion strategy is an action plan usually adopted to acquire better and bigger growth with respect to its previously attained standard(Business Jargons,2017). The rationale behind expansion could be higher Profit margins, gaining competitive advantage, expanding domains. Based on rationale, expansion strategiesRead MoreMultinational Corporations Based On International Business Essay1730 Words   |  7 Pagesmultinational corporations based on international business, which tend to assign primary responsibility to their subsidiaries for local compensation and benefits, training and labour relations, with regional units assuming secondary responsibility (Reynolds 1992). Productive globalization occurred with the growth and expansion of multinationals. They are present in all the countries of the w orld and currently undergo mergers and acquisitions, with the expansion of its branch of activity. ProductiveRead MoreWalmart and Target: A Comparative Analysis of the Retailers1699 Words   |  7 Pagestheir strategies effectively. Yet one has chosen the path of international growth and the other has not yet, pending expansion into Canada in 2013. Wal-Mart is an international company with extensive retail operations in Mexico, China, Canada and Europe. All of Targets current stores are in the United States. This paper will compare and contrast the approaches that these two companies have taken to different aspects of international relations. Wal-Mart has preferred to expand internationallyRead MoreTavazo Case940 Words   |  4 PagesIn 2010, the Tavazo brothers were thinking about how to keep on growing and started to analyse opportunities for further expansion. One potential source of growth is represented by the chance of expanding its current business within Canada and Iran, through the retail or wholesale channels. One plus point of this strategy is that it would let the company to maintain the same organizational structure without introducing revolutionary changes, which would be costly to make. Indeed, focusing on theseRead MoreIs Globalization A Good And Move?1557 Words   |  7 Pagesties in international trade, known as bilateral trade agreements. The WTO and NAFTA are two examples of such bilateral trade agreements. With such agreements, cross-country investment increases. This increase in investment is aided by the increase in information technology and communications, which has undergone a significant advan cement over the last two decades with the rise of the Internet and mobile telephony (Green, 2013). It is important to the business to expand; global expansion and globalizationRead MoreA Brief Note On The Cold Stone Creamery Essay905 Words   |  4 Pagesoffer an unforgettable experience, which makes consumers come back for more (2016, August). During 2011, Cold Stone Creamery had put into place a more aggressive approach with entering an International Market. The company s growth plan included the signing of new partners in three new countries. The first expansion was Singapore and Malaysia; this would be a master partner who is directly in control of food and beverage as well as the best private developer. The opportunity to open ten Cold StoneRead MoreThe International Expansion Of Bmw And Ikea1378 Words   |  6 Pagestheir brand track to overseas markets. New markets have new consumers, chances, and profits and extend brands existence. The international expansion of BMW and IKEA has led them to achieve huge success. In this essay, will explore what lead each brand to move away from their traditional market and investigating how the two brands developed successful international expansion, and what has made them global household names. Firstly, BMW, which is established in 1916, it is a worldwide famous automotiveRead MoreBusiness Studies Essay - Financial Planning and Methods of International Expansion1637 Words   |  7 PagesThere are a number of strategies that a business wishing to expand their operations internationally can use. These include Export, Foreign Direct Investment, Relocation of production, Management contracts and Licensing amp; Franchising. Generally there are two main sources of funds to finance the global expansion of a business. These are debt and equity. Debt finance refers to the money borrowed from outside of the business and can be divided into short-term and long-term borrowings where as Equity